Ever been to a birthday party
What is a birthday party for?
Years ago, i was told that birthdays are for celebrating someone’s birth.
Growing up when we would go to someone’s birthday party everyone brought a gift for the person who the party was for and there was cake and ice cream for all.
But only the one who’s birthday it was recived gifts.
December 25, as Christians we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Christ, our redeemer, God with us.
Rummers are going around that more and more people are not celebrating Christmas this year
but that statement started circulating back in October.
And like with most advertising the week minded fell in line and did not decorate as much.
i think, no i pray this is why;
After the last five years i pray the church community has opened their eyes and see the reality of life,
the reality of a life lived in Christ.
And with that the understanding of what the celebration of Christmas should truly be.
We are supposed to be celebrating the birth of Jesus,
And if that is what we are doing,
Christ our Lord should be the one receiving the gifts from us,
but we as mankind have turned the day in to another day of want, greed and gluten,
and through example teach that to our children.
As a believer in Christ Jesus we should be giving Him the ultimate gift,
The gift that He desires most from each of us.
Jesus said
“if you love Me, keep my commandments”
when asked what is the greatest commandment,
Jesus responded:
This is the great and foremost commandment.
The second is like it,
These gifts are gifts He desires from each of us.
Though the first and for most gift Christ would like to receive from each of us,
Are our lives,
that we would dedicate ourselves to follow His commandment. That we would LOVE THE LORD OUR GOD WITH ALL OUR HEART, AND WITH ALL OUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL OUR MIND.’ and that we would LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR AS OURSELF.”
This does not take a lot of decorations,
it takes a heart willing to let go of all worldly concepts and desires,
putting our faith and trust in Him and Him alone,
Not money, people, job, stuff and tings,
No Christ and Him alone.
Figure it out, who are you going to celabrate and serve?
Christ our Lord, or the world (satin) and his ways.
For everyone serves one or the other.
As far as the talk going around about not decorating for Christmas think about this,
the advertisers have already come up with list of most desired things people are buying in 2025, thats right 2025.
their listing stated;
“The top 10 items people are buying in 2025”
looks like the blind leading the blind,
don’t be taken in by the tricks of this world,
find the true meaning of life,
find true life in Christ the Lord the one who’s birthday we say we are celebrating on Christmas day.
And give Him the gift He so deserves, your life, that life that He came to earth in the likens of man to redeem back to a relationship with Father GOD,
He who gave Himself up to sacrificed on a cross so that you may live with Him throughout eternity with Him in the Kingdome of GOD.
Who do you celebrate on Christmas day?
Where do your values lay?
In Christ and Him alone,
or the world and its ways?
Think about it.
and choose this day who's birthday you are celebrate.