Friday, June 7, 2024, 06:19
{{{ Christ Jesus knows we live in a world where Satan dwells, He is verry much aware of that.
But seems a lot of the time (most of the time) the church forgets that, and just excepts what shows up in our lives as being from GOD.
We are not to just go along with the things of this world, they belong to Satan.
We are to hold fast the name of the Lord, Christ Jesus, we are Not to deny our faith in Him nor His faith in us.
Not even when those around us may be killed or we ourselves may be looking at death due to our faith in Christ Jesus. who was killed among you,
Matthew 10:28
“Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” }}}
{{{ Christ Jesus knows we live in a world where Satan dwells, He is verry much aware of that.
But seems a lot of the time (most of the time) the church forgets that, and just excepts what shows up in our lives as being from GOD.
We are not to just go along with the things of this world, they belong to Satan.
We are to hold fast the name of the Lord, Christ Jesus, we are Not to deny our faith in Him nor His faith in us.
Not even when those around us may be killed or we ourselves may be looking at death due to our faith in Christ Jesus.
Matthew 10:28
“Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” }}}
{{{ Are your deeds set towards the Lord?
Are your love and faith and service and perseverance set towards the Lord?
Are your deeds of late are greater than at first?
Or are you living off your past, thinking what you did when you first became a Follower of Christ will carry your through to His return?
We, each and every one who are followers of Christ Jesus should be living a life that each and every moment is set in the path the Lord has set out in His word for us to follow.
Matthew 22:37- 40
And Jesus said to him,
This is the great and foremost commandment.
The second is like it,
On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”
In John 14:15 Jesus tells us
“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” }}}
{{{ The GOD of creation knows His creation.
He knows who is walking this earth and of those who is dead and who is alive.
So many in the church are dead, just a ghost of who they were created to be.
Church it is time to WAKE UP and strengthen that live from Christ that still remains in you. // To do so you need to spend time in the word of GOD, you need to spend time talking (communicating) with the Lord your God.
You need to be set in motion to find that narrow path leading to the small gate, and taking as many along with you to find it. //
Remembering what you have already received and heard from the word of GOD; keep it alive and operating in and through your life,
Repent of your lack of faith and concern,
repent of your willing ness to follow after the world and its loves.
Repenting of your sins, turning from sin and turning to the Lord your God. }}}
{{{ Christ Jesus knows when our deeds are towards our self or toward the world and its ways.
Just as He knows when our deeds are toward Him.
He knows the level of our straight no matter how little it may be, He knows if you have denied His name or if you are still faithful.
Christ our Lord knows all about you, your thoughts and your actions. }}}
{{{ He knows if you are attending church for other purposed then to learn how to live closer to Him, to learn how to fulfill your longing to find the narrow path that leads to the small gate.
Or if you are there for the social gathering, to make your appearance.
Or to fulfill an obligation to please others, so the rest of the week you can live in the world for the world and fulfill your own desires in life.
Our you hot or cold?
Cold or hot?
Will you be spit out or taken in? }}}
{{{ Are you one who loved Christ when you first excepting Him,
but over time that love has weekend and your love has gone back to the things and ways of this world.
Jesus straight out says repent (turn from what you are doing and are involved in and return to Him, for unless you repent and return to following after Him, He will remove you. }}}
These things are important.
We are to be like Christ our Lord, not just know who He is and How He lived when He was on earth in the form of a man.
This takes a heart change on our part, are we willing to obey His commandments?
Or our we to attached to the world and its ways?
Christ Jesus knows our thoughts as well as He knows our actions.
We are warned all through the scripters of how we are to live, but how many adhere to the words of GOD?
Why does the church follow more after the world and its ways rather than the words of the Lord our God.
We have been so programed to think we need more, that more is better.
Why is it when the world comes up with a new toy, we think we need to have it?
Why do we say something is from God when it is used to displease God?
Why when our Lord Jesus tells us to not be attached to the world or the things of this world why is it that every day, we strive to have more of it?
Our lives are to glorify Christ Jesus, to honor Him and to bring blessings to Him,
But the church the bride of Christ in America seems to want to glorify self.
As so many Followers of Christ around the earth are being persecuted, many put to death because they clam Christ Jesus as their Lord and savior, so many in America think they are persecuted if their internet goes down for five minutes, or if they have to wait more for an order of food when they go to a restraint.
Always thinking about self rather than others.
Complaining about any and everything that causes them any discomfort, and calling it persecution.
The America Christian is only now starting to see real persecution.
Our GOD has told us
“If the world hates you, know that it hated Me before it hated you."
As the Church, believers in and followers of our Lord Christ Jesus we are also told;
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Can you humble yourself?
Can you take the time to seek the face of GOD?
Can you turn from the wickedness in your life?
1John 1:8
“If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.”
It is time to figure out who you are in Christ Jesus.
It is time to seek the Kingdom of GOD and His righteousness,
It is past time to humble yourself before GOD and seek His face.
It is time to know who you are in Christ Jesus before you find out what real persecution is.
Matthew 10:22
“You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.”
Matthew 24:9-13
“Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name.
At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another.
Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many.
Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.
But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”
Something to not only think about but to make a choice about and then stand firm in your choice.
Chose this day who you will serve.

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