Striving for knowledge, will leave you starving.
Asking for wisdom, understanding and discernment, will leave you filled.
Pride goes before a fall.
The love of money, is the root of all evil.
i am one who from youth has asked the Lord for wisdom, understanding and discernment, on a continues basses.
And over the years the Lord has opened my eyes and heart to see and understand as i have seen one after another fall do to pride and the love of money.
It seems so that i myself when drifting off, will remember what He has said.
For pride and the love (the desire) of money both are traps so simple to fall in to.
And mankind can come up with so many excuses to do so.
Over the years i have seen one after another fall do to both pride and the love of money.
And have learned climbing the ladder of success is a trap, and the higher you go the deeper you get.
Fame is deception, the need to be at the top, creates so miny openings for one to make wrong choices.
The most dangers thing the ones climbing the ladder is that they cannot see what is the top of the pile.
Because their eyes are on each rung, they can’t see their lose, lose of true friends, family, nor the lose of their relationship with GOD.
Each rung becomes more important then the last, more important than anything ells and as they move up the blinders become larger and larger.
“What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his life.”
{{ “The Lord is my shepherd i shall not want.”
The Lord is my Shepherd, i have no need for any for any other shepherd in my life. }}
There is one thing about the white speck at the top of chicken poop,
That white speck is still poop.
We are told:
{{ 1Thessalonians 4:9-12
¶ Now as to the love of the brethren, you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another; for indeed you do practice it toward all the brethren who are in all Macedonia.
But we urge you, brethren, to excel still more, and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we commanded you, so that you will behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need. }}
We are told to make it our ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to our own business and work with our hands, so that we will behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need.
So many who strive to have, who strive to get to the top, end up hurting others.
So many who strive to have, who strive to get to the top, end up in pride.
So many who strive to have, who strive to get to the top, end up loving what they think money can do for them.
And what becomes the goal in life is position, money, power, control, fame and possessions.
One example;
Look at pastors who have written books, look at the change it makes in their lives, look at how they are out of their churches more Sundays than they were before the book was published.
Our Lord will allow a man to fall, if he is not consistently putting Him (Christ) first.
The one in the center of striving for fame glory, wealth, approval of men, power to get to the top of the pile, can’t see beyond their own fame, lust and desires.
This can take place in any of mankind no matter what level of life one may be in.
Take the time to search your own heart.
Why do you do what you do?
What is the purpose? More? More fame? more money? More possessions?
When in reality this means; less time with family, less time with friends, less time with the Lord, less time, less time, less time get the point?
Do you put the needs of others above your own desires, your own wants, your own lusts of life?
Are you satisfied, with what you have?
With what the Lord has placed in your care?
With your station in life?
With the life the Lord has set before you?
We are lacking the most when we think we have arrived.
We lose so much more when we think we have gain.
When Christ is not our provider and our provision, we are lacking.
When Christ is not enough, we will stray from His provisions and His will.
When Christ is not enough, we will find the need of the approval of others,
When Christ is not enough, we will find the lust of our youth swelling in our heart and soil, in old age.
When Christ is not enough, we will find our desire will wonder from the Lord and His kingdom.
And at that point we will find yourself in adultery.
(adultery = anything that comes between you and the Lord, any one or thing that you think or feel will give you pleasure, or satisfaction you other than the Lord.)
search your heart!
Repent and turn back to the Lord Jesus.
Let Him be enough for you,
Let Him be your Lord and savior,
Let Him be your provider and your Provision,
Let Him be enough.
The Lord is my shepherded, I shall not want.