Friday, November 18, 2022, 12:55
Whether you want to believe it or not the first out in the open evidence of the one world church has happened.
In the same valley that Moses came across the burning bush that was not consumed by fire and and had a conversation with Father GOD,,, so called christina leaders gathered with so called other spiritual and political leaders,
broke a copy of the ten commandment, stating that the ten commandments are over and gave new commandments. 
Then proceeded to pray to and worship the land, (the creation not the creator).
along with that the top world banks are partnering with the federal reserve to set in to place the one world creance with a 12 week trial (they are just working on getting all the bugs out of the system so when it comes time to wipe out all your finances they can do it with one push of a button).
Good thing GOD is still in control and is faithful to those who are faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ, those who have given back to the creator what the creator has given each of us, our lives.  Jesus Himself stated  "I will never leave you nor forsake you "
It is time to ask Jesus in to your life, ask for forgiveness – repent and start living for Him instead of for your self.
Think about it, your time is running out.

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