Thursday, February 6, 2020, 15:12

Read Matthew 5:17-48

Jesus tells us that He did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill the law.

He takes The Commandments from just an action to the heart of our problem; our minds for our thoughts can be good or evil.

We can act all holy when around and that is all they see but we can be thinking evil thoughts without others knowing.

Our minds can be the house of evil wall our actions show caring and love.

Jesus took the Ten and readjusted the scope of sin to not only include our actions but now also our thoughts.

So then i need to watch my thoughts more closely, for it will be those little gray thoughts that will grow in to full blown sin.

Jesus said if you love Me you will keep My commandments,

but just not killing someone is not good enough i need to not think evil of others.

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